“Correlation between cochlear nerve size and outcome of cochlear implant "

Document Type : Original Article


1 Audiovestibular , Otolaryngology , Faculty of medicine , Sohag university , Egypt

2 Radiology department , Faculty of medicine ,Sohag university , Egypt


Introduction: Cochlear implantation is an effective treatment method for severe to profound hearing loss. Many factors that may influence cochlear implantation success, one of them is the size of cochlear nerve.
Objective: To evaluate the effect of cochlear nerve size on cochlear implant outcome in children.
Methods: 30 children with age range from 1-6 years. All of them were implanted with cochlear implant of MEDEL device, sonata II (Med-EL,Innsbruck,Austria). The thickness of cochlear nerve was measured by axial and coronal three-dimension magnetic resonance images. Postoperative auditory evaluations were performed in the form of pure tone evaluation, littlEars Arabic Questionnaire and speech and language development assessed by Age of first detection of sound, age of first spoken word and electrophysiological by ECAP. Correlation between cochlear nerve thickness, and postoperative auditory perception was analyzed to determine whether variation in size of normal cochlear nerve size affect postoperative outcome of cochlear implant.
Results: The mean of thickness of the cochlear nerve was 1.07 mm 0.02 , of pure tone threshold was 24.38 dBHL,of LittleEARs score was 25.53, ECAP threshold was7.09 .The correlation between the thickness of cochlear nerve and average aided threshold, ECAP is negative and statistically non-significant, positive and non-statically significant correlation with the first detected age. On the other hand, nerve thickness found to positive and significant correlate with little EARs score (p=0.05).
Conclusion: The thickness of nerve is not significantly affecting post operative outcome of cochlear implant in patient neither nerve was aplastic nor hypoplastic.
